Public humiliation is something that will never grow old with Me. I thoroughly enjoy it.
For some, it may seem like the most daunting task they could imagine, however, public humiliation has many levels. It can be ever so subtle, with only you and I knowing what is happening, or it can be more extreme like the video above.
I do not engage in public humiliation with those who I have not sessioned with before. It requires Me knowing you beforehand so that I know what you can and cannot tolerate. Public humiliation can have a mental impact, both positive and negative. My main task is to make sure that you have an amazing time, one which goes beyond what you could have ever imagined.
A thorough discussion about your wishes prior to our session, which can include from mild to more extreme play
Location of your choice (Not Bristol and not further than 1.5 hours away)
A 6 hour maximum experience with Myself
Equipment included (if needed)
A taste of what you could experience:
Medium or full time servitude throughout the day
Lunch/dinner date
Pampering and serving your Empress
Public servitude
Public Play
Fetish event
All expenses must be paid, including any food, drinks and accommodation.
Maximum 6 hour booking.​
For tribute rate, click here.
Enquire via contact page to book.