Bliss - that’s what I feel whenever I serve Empress Akari. She is truly an amazing Domme that can adapt the atmosphere of a session to whatever is needed.
My story with Empress starts in Summer 2021. Earlier in the year I had only begun to accept that I might actually be kinky. It all seemed daunting and scary to me. I managed to work up the courage though to start doing some research via twitter and looking at what is out there. Eventually I came across Empress Akari. I knew I needed someone who could be nurturing and guide me and Empress is just that. When I was looking at her website, I was thoroughly impressed with just how much was there to help newbies like myself, in particular the blog posts. The ones that helped me the most were the ones that dealt with shame and guilt - two of the biggest negative emotions I had about the world of kink and BDSM. Furthermore, I found out that she did things that I wanted to experience and from her website along with the videos on there and her tweets, I could tell that Empress really does care for her subs on a professional level. With that, I finally summoned up the courage to write my first email to her.

I put a lot of time and effort into that initial email whilst making sure it was honest and to the point. This didn’t go unnoticed by Empress Akari. Throughout the entire booking process and lead up to our first session, she was absolutely incredible at calming my understandable nerves. It cannot be understated how great she was at calming them, especially given that I have a history of struggling with anxiety.
The time came and our session started - that was the first time I experienced the bliss of serving Empress Akari and being under her control. I felt the connection of a professional D/s relationship immediately upon meeting her. My limits were diligently observed and the entire time I felt truly safe and at peace. This first session was what truly opened my mind and allowed me to accept the truth that I am a kinky, naturally submissive man. This acceptance has truly allowed me to grow and it is not an exaggeration in the slightest to say that it was a positively life changing experience for me.
In the FAQ section of her website, Empress lists the 6 most important things she looks for in a sub but in particular I want to hone in on honesty and communication. Throughout the nearly a year since I sent that first fateful email to her, I have endeavoured to be as open and honest in my communications as possible. As hard as it has been at times, it has absolutely proven to be the best way forward and I always come out the other side of it feeling much better. At the end of the day, Empress Akari genuinely wants what is best for her subs and wants us to grow to what she knows we can achieve. My sessions and emails with her have proven to be better than counselling at dealing with some of my mental health struggles, which my counsellor wholeheartedly supports. It takes strength and courage to communicate how you are feeling before, during and after a session but the result is so so worth it.
I have had 3 sessions with Empress Akari now and each one has been a blissful healing experience for me. She knows exactly how to read my body and how I’m feeling, even better than I do myself. I love exploring things and challenging myself, something which I know Empress Akari takes pleasure from aiding me in. Do not let her enchanting, youthful looks deceive you - she certainly knows what she is doing and has plenty of experience to back it up. I’ve mentioned Empress’s caring side a lot but that is only what I’ve needed. Have no doubt, Empress can be as strict and stern as required.
Empress Akari knows how grateful I truly am to be able to serve her and help her out in the little ways that I can, even if it’s by liking and retweeting her on Twitter. I cannot recommend her highly enough to novices and experienced players alike. Serving her has allowed me to experience that wondrous sensation that you experience when you’re in sub space that can only be described as bliss.
- Mick